Hope Art Exhibit at Hotwire Coffeehouse

What better time to see an art show than while you are getting your morning coffee! Sixth and seventh grade Hope Lutheran art elective students are exhibiting their creations at Hotwire Online Coffeehouse for the month of November. This particular show focuses on One Point Perspective. Teacher, Mary Norton, describes the concept in this way:

“Teaching perspective is a lesson in math and magic. The magic is creating 3D vision on paper and the math is using lines and angles to create the perspective. Sixth and seventh grade art students practiced two techniques. One is to draw the horizon and line up images to vanish in to the background. The other is to choose a vanishing point in the midst of the image. The artist’s then asked themselves what will happen to geometric shapes and curves as they twist and turn. There is a story in each piece.”

Hotwire participates in the West Seattle Artwalk every second Thursday of the month from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Be sure to stop by then or anytime to enjoy a cup of joe and gain a little “perspective” while you check out the exhibit.

6th and 7th Gr Art Exhibit 2