Pre 4 Sea Turtles

Sea Turtle Families,

What a fun week it has been for Christi and I. Thank you for sharing your children with us – they are truly a blessing! We spent our first week together getting to know each other, connecting with old friends, making new friends, and learning about our classroom. They enjoyed dressing up, ”cooking” for each other and building a gigantic airport out of blocks.

This next week, we will continue to build our friendships and use our words to help get our needs met. We will also have fun exploring “Pet Care”. Our home center is set up as a vet clinic, where the children will undoubtedly enjoy putting real bandages on their pets and caring for them.

For Parent Info…….We have added a new file holder on top of the cubbies. This is where we will put any parent communication from the school or our class. It is not labeled by families yet, but should be finished by the end of the week.

Snack family for this coming week:  Sonheim Family

Please feel free to reach out with any questions you may have.

Blessings to you all,

Tammy Shelver