Hope Lutheran Has a New Website!

Its been long and fun and Hope Lutheran finally has a much needed new website! Here are some of the feature that you will find standard:



Custom Table Classes that keep all tables looking uniform and attractive

Column one Column one Column one
Column one Column one Column one
Column one Column one Column one



Javascript toggles that can be used anywhere throughout the site without having to know programming code!

[toggle title=”Please click me for more information”]More Information[/toggle]



Special Single Click Heading Classes to make attractive articles and posts possible by anyone.

Heading 1

Heading 2

Heading 3



Bullet or numbered lists with a single click:

  • first item
  • second item
  • third item
  • fourth item
  • fifth item
  1. first item
  2. second item
  3. third item
  4. fourth item
  5. fifth item


Big Block Quotes to draw attention to text:

“This is something special, it can be used for article or post pull quotes”