Weather Alert

Possible Snow Alert

Weather reports are currently predicting possible snow beginning tomorrow and throughout the weekend. While it is difficult to predict snow in Seattle, most models seem to currently anticipate likely snow on Thursday late afternoon/evening.


Thursday February 11: We are planning for a regular school day tomorrow but just want you to be prepared in case this changes. If we make a decision to dismiss students early from school tomorrow or decide to close extended care programs early, we will notify families via the following communication methods:

  • Send out a SchoolMessenger message to all families’ phone numbers on record
  • Send out an email to all school families via Vertical Response
  • Post information on our website homepage (
  • Update our Facebook page
  • Notify the West Seattle Blog (

Staff will remain on campus until all students are picked up.


Friday February 12: If we do not feel it is safe to open preschool and K-5 extended care programs on Friday because of inclement weather, we will notify families by 6:30 AM via email from extended care director Christina Figgins. We will also post this information on our website.