Hope Lutheran Church and School are built on the belief that a good God created the world and that He longs for us to enjoy a full and abundant life! We also recognize the reality that this world is a broken place filled with hurting people, including ourselves. We believe that same God proved His love for us when He gave His Son Jesus to pay the price for the things that are wrong in this world and in us; we look to Him for forgiveness, for healing of our hearts, and freedom to live His life. We are confident that as we trust Him, His Spirit lives in us and moves us to live His life as we love others in words and actions with the love He first gave to us.
We are excited about the adventure of following a good God of love, and we seek to invite everyone to engage Him in a journey of faith. A more complete statement of our faith is available on the Hope Lutheran Church website.
We welcome you to contact Pastor Peter if you have additional questions about Hope Lutheran Church or the Lutheran faith.