Hope North: Building For The Next Generation

“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

Joshua 1:9

Hope North: Building For The Next Generation is a three-year capital campaign to further the mission of the Hope Lutheran Church & School. Just as those who came before us 100 years ago had a vision and made sacrifices to build and expand our impact in West Seattle, so we now have the opportunity to do the same.

Hope Lutheran Church & School has purchased the former Seattle Lutheran High School campus on 41st and Genesee Street which will expand the footprint of the non-profit organization by adding a gymnasium and stage, 50 additional parking spaces, 14 additional classrooms which includes a chemistry lab and art room, additional office space, and outdoor patio.

To fund a portion of the purchase price and much needed renovations to the patio, gym and some classrooms, we are launching a three year capital campaign in Fall 2023: Hope North: Building for the Next Generation.

After renovations are complete, plans include moving and expanding Hope’s middle school program to the renovated building in Fall 2024 which will allow space to be freed up to create new preschool classrooms on our historic campus. Expanding the current robust Hope middle school program will provide more sought after co-curricular and extra-curricular options for a high-quality middle school education in West Seattle.

Hope North Campaign Launch: October 8, 2023

Support this 3-year Campaign!


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