Extracurricular Activities

Hope School provides students opportunities to learn in and outside of the classroom by providing after-school clubs such as chess, robotics, Lego, math and drama as well as leadership experience in the form of student council. For Information regarding which clubs are being offered, please contact the school office or review our weekly school newsletter.

Student Council

2022-23 Student Council

The Student Council is organized to promote student government among students under the guidance and direction of a faculty adviser. The purpose of the Student Council is to teach students about student government, to represent our school, to provide acts of service in our school and throughout the community, and to conduct fundraisers for school improvements. Elected officers from the 8th grade include a president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer. Representatives are elected from each class in grades 3 through 7. Elections are held in the fall.


Here is your opportunity to experience leadership at Hope Lutheran School. The role of student council is to foster school spirit, raise funds to benefit the school, and aid our community. Student council contributes food to the food closet at Hope, purchases needed equipment for the school, and encourages school spirit during LEST.

All students in Grades 3-8 are eligible to be a candidate. 3rd through 7th grade class will choose 2 representatives. Candidates for class representatives will give a speech to their class and create one poster to display in their class. Students in 8th grade are eligible for officer positions. They are:  President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. 

Our Student Council:

Grade 3 – Natalie E
Grade 4 – Piper A and Henry R
Grade 5 – Claudia K
Grade 6 – Sophie A and Lachlan G
Grade 7 – Coco A
Grade 8 Officers – Josh D (President), Dominic C (Vice President), Ellie F (Treasurer), Alex C (Secretary)

Glee Club

Glee Club meets every Tuesday morning from 7:45-8:15 am. The focus of the group is to enjoy music and to find joy in singing both individually and as a group. As the recipient of LEST blue ribbons over the past several consecutive years, Glee Club also aspires for excellence. We perform at several events throughout the year to represent Hope.