WOH For Tues. Sept. 25, 2018
Why should I go to Curriculum Night tonight? By Jennifer Neafcy, Kindergarten Teacher
Each year, as the school year begins, I look forward to two special evenings with our families. The first one is Back-to-School Night where we get to spend time with all of you in fellowship and getting to know one another. I love watching connections being made with one another as we prepare for the beginning of the school year.
Now that we are three weeks into our school year, the second special evening is happening tonight for parents in grades K-8: Curriculum Night. Curriculum Night gives you an opportunity to really explore and ask questions about the curriculum used at each grade level. Our staff is excited to share this evening with you.
In order to keep current with best practices in education, Hope has a curriculum review cycle in place. This gives us an opportunity to review the curriculum used regularly and to make sure that it continues to meet state standards and the needs of our students. This year, we have implemented the Journeys literacy program for grades K-5. This is a comprehensive literacy program that allows the teachers to target the needs of all students.
Curriculum Night begins at 7:00pm tonight in the Hope Church Sanctuary. Please join us for a school-wide presentation and the introduction of staff. Two classroom sessions will follow. Middle school families will remain in the sanctuary for the first session while K-5 families will be dismissed to the classrooms. During the second session, all of the families will visit classrooms. We look forward to seeing you tonight!
Tonight 9/25: 7:00 PM Curriculum Night
Wed. 9/26: 8:40 AM Chapel led by Mrs. Mueller
Fri. 9/28: 1:00 PM Fall Olympics
Wed. 10/3: 8:40 AM Chapel led by Mr. Kopecky / 7:00 PM PTH General Meeting
Upcoming Events
School Pictures – All Grades – Monday, Oct. 8
District Teachers Conference – Wed. Oct. 10 Noon Dismiss
District Teachers Conference – Thursday & Friday Oct. 11 & 12 No School – ESC Open
Fall Olympics – Sept 28 at 1:00 PM
Parents are invited to cheer on students in grades K-8 in our lower playground area across the alley for our Fall Olympics. Students are divided into teams and compete in activities such as the slow bike race, shoe toss, hula hooping and much more. The students have a great time; it’s one of the highlights of the season.
PTH General Meeting – Wed. Oct. 3 at 7 pm
Want to get involved at Hope? Join the PTH! This first meeting will be about getting to know our parents and planning for the year. Come meet your PTH Board and learn about some of the exciting things planned for this school year, upcoming PIP opportunities, and more! We will brainstorm meeting topics, fundraising ideas and vote them into action. Get your Parent Involvement Program hours for attending!
School Pictures – All Grades – Monday, Oct. 8
Monday, October 8 will be picture day! We will offer students the choice to wear uniforms or “Classy Dress”. Please help your child select clothing they would like to wear for their picture, following the free dress day guidelines. Order forms can be found in your Tuesday envelope next week and should be brought in on picture day. Our picture ID number with Lifetouch is LS118053Q0. Simplify Picture Day by ordering online at mylifetouch.com. No need to send cash or flyer back to school when you order online. See more options available online and you can use a credit card or PayPal on their secure site.
Preschool 3s Wednesday – Friday only students will have picture day on Wed., November 28.
Chinook Book Fundraiser – Ends Oct. 15
Our important fundraiser for PTH (Parents and Teachers of Hope) Chinook Books continues. Return envelopes (sent home last week) with payments to the school office no later than Monday, October 15th.
Presell the print edition (books $25) & mobile app gift cards ($15) via the white envelope received last week in your yellow communication folder. Each book also contains a mobile app gift card so it’s a great value!
Want to do all your sales via email? Sell the mobile app here: https://chinook.co/hopelutheranschool. To sell click the link and set up an account (account = become a promoter). Then you may send the link to family and friends and they can purchase the mobile app online.
We are asking each family to raise $ 25 – $50 and our school keeps 50% of all sales!
Make checks payable to Hope Lutheran School. Questions? Contact Heather Leaman at mailto:heatherleaman@icloud.comor call 206-419-2158.”
School Clubs at Hope – Click Here
Fall classes starting next week. Visit our school website for registration and information on our school clubs at www.hopeluthstg.wpengine.com. If you have any questions please feel free to call the school office at 206-935-8500.
LEST Drama – Grades 5-8
We will start LEST drama on Oct. 24 for the 2018/2019 school year. Our rehearsals will be every Wednesday from 3:00 – 5:00 PM. The Oct. 24 kick off will begin in Mrs. Norton’s classroom (3rd grade). Each student will receive a schedule of practices and our meeting place will normally be in the commons. I encourage kids to bring a snack to eat before we act. You must be committed to attend every rehearsal and go to Portland February 14-16, 2019 for the LEST drama competition. The drama team is open to grades 5-8.
Do you want to be included in the school directory?
The office will be publishing a school directory for current parents. If you would like to be included in the directory, please log into your student’s K12Online account and make sure to fill out the form by October 2nd. Also please ensure we have up-to-date information on your family, address, phone numbers, contacts, etc.
School Forms to Complete – K12Online Site
You can locate forms and pay for school items such as milk, PE uniforms and athletic sports through our K12Online system Webstore.
Parent Involvement Program or PIP Opportunities
Picture Day Help – Mon. Oct. 8
We need volunteers to assist with picture day on Mon. Oct. 8th. Contact Mrs. Wallace if you are able to help for the day or ½ the day between 8:40 am and 2:00 pm. Thank you!
Hope School Savings Day
Fourteen (14) students currently have savings accounts through LCEF. The matching funds are over, however students can still open and save each week and get the great 3.5% interest rate.
Every Monday will be Hope School Savings Day. “Mr. Saving” will have a table just inside the main school entry doors from 8:15 AM until 8:30 AM. Don’t delay start saving the fun and easy way with the weekly stamp saving program from LCEF. Your child can start saving with $1.
For additional information contact Larry Koltz at 206.932.8036 or LLkoltz@aol.com.
Women’s Bible Study Invite
Ladies, are you interested in a weekly Bible study while your kids are in school? You are invited to join women of all ages in a study on the book of Galatians on Thursday mornings from 8:30-10:00 am in the Church Commons. Contact patramueller@hopeseattle.org for more details.